Morning report

May 21, 2009 11:43

I got Relle's clothing stash put into her room, and moved some of the boxes out to make room for them. Lots more boxes still in there, but there's plenty of room for her clothes. I even purged out her smaller clothes, and put her winter clothes that will fit into a space saver bag (those big ones are really nice for this).

Most of the boxes have game books. One box had a bunch of videos taken from tv shows or tv movies. Don't know what to do with those. I need to purge most of the stuff, as I don't have room for it all anymore (did I ever?). There are two tackle bins of unpainted miniatures I don't know if I want to keep, or sell/purge, including one gold plated wizard that is at least worth the gold plate.

I found old photos... as in when I was a kid and took my own photos of events. I found photos of me in the 80s with 80s hair! And there is even a few b&w shots of me as a baby. I will be scanning them into my computer, then putting the old photos into new photo albums, as the old ones don't hold anything anymore other than loosely.

And what is it about my little girl wanting to destroy her brother's books now. Grrrrrr...

Well, off to get some lunch, and doing the rest of Relle's laundry now that we have plenty of room for them.

maurelle, housework, personal

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