Health fact checking in a blog

Mar 16, 2009 21:48

Reading the commentary on the previous post, I found this blog, which might be of interest to people.
Written by a nurse interested in fact checking what comes out as "scientific" information, which she sees as being abused for political, advertising, and media interests, not for the reality of the true science behind it. She asks people to read with a critical eye and read everything before making health decisions of their own.

Here are a few I just read.

One on fat and how it does or does not affect the heart.

Fat is a good thing

One entry led me to this article on the current food pyramid and amounts of exercise
""The human body is not an infinitely malleable mass of calories that can be burned down to any desired shape or size," said Glenn Gaesser, PhD, in a recent Harvard Health Policy Review article. Healthful levels of exercise and eating won't transform all of our naturally-diverse body types into some ideal measure of thinness. Weight is a flawed priority. It may seem intuitive that exercising and eating better will result in weight loss, but it doesn't for everyone. Yet it will help everyone to be healthier."

One on bariatric surgery, discussing a news article from a woman in Modesto/Turlock area (they link to the news article).

health, article

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