Crappy mood/day, but ending blog on positive note.

Mar 15, 2009 21:49

I m tired and beat, mentally that is. Bad day with the kids. Bad mood. Went to see inlaws, and that was ok, but I didn't want to go. Then went to various stores, and we both had to deal with kids in various stores. Not good at all. At final store, Lowes, Relle had to be taken to the car while I paid for the new steam cleaner and a few veggie plants. She loudly screached/wailed until we got to the freeway, then finally calmed down.

Good stuff... a new snap embroidery frame so I can finally deal with embroidering my bodice. I am late on this, btw. Should have been finished by now, but not even started. Oh well... I will deal.

Sorta good... New Piecework mag, but it is mostly on knitting civil war stuff. I don't knit or do CW stuff. At least it has basic lucet instructions (already knew how) and basic smocking instructions (meh) and a pretty embroidery monogram (already had the alphabet style in an old Dover book). Hmph, meh! But I am pondering a subscription.

Kids got Wii games (including one for Relle about underwater creatures), and Rob got batteries. We also bought a new steam cleaner so I can finally get the carpets really cleaned! And we talked about both of us adults getting a new bike to ride around and work off pounds with. This I want.

Really good stuff that I keep forgetting to post about. Relle is constant on full potty business on the BIG chair! No longer screaming about pooping, and is proud about her own accomplishments. :-) (finally).

And on that good note, I am going to take a hot bath, and try to decompress a little more before heading off to sleep.

maurelle, personal

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