Image Power

Mar 07, 2009 00:37

Found an interesting looking new book I may pick up, for "fashion" for us larger and older gals, tho it seems to cover ideas for every woman. Image Power.

You have to buy it from one of the many writers in the book, and they all have different ways of ordering it, from a print it out and send in your check type, to one who had a paypal direct buy link.

So, it came in today, and I've started in on reading it. The first article was on starting one's image with one's health, and it rang very true to my own life issues, as the writer also has/had pre-diabetes, and helps with a diabetics group for improving self-image. She uses the term "Diva" with a capital D, which... I don't know, I don't like the term diva, but I see where the lady is embracing the term as a positive thing, like some embrace "bitch" or "their inner goddess", etc. The article is good on various tips to improve one's Diva-ness, from a whole body perspective.

The second article was written by a fashion consultant in Fresno. Fresno? Really? I go looking her up online, and find... well very little really. The article is a pretty basic one on the 7 style archetypes, which I am a mix of several, or maybe none. Where does one fit sweats and t-shirts, anyways. Well... I will come back to this one, and continue on.

Have barely gotten into the third article, so that's all I will say at this point. The book overall seems in one part to be a similar rehash to other fashion books I've read over the years, with more info, and a greater pallete of options. It is also geared to older, professional women, who are the ones most likely to hire these professional image consultants to help them with their wardrobe makeovers and color consultations.

There is one line of the Diva embracing lady I do want to keep in mind.

"Dance Like a Diva. Movement is important to incorporate into daily health care. Thirty minutes of activity a day impacts diabetes positively by 58 percent. Move and groove!"

Ok, my old stats class and bull-shit-o-meter comes to mind when I see that number of 58%, as in what exactly is positively impacted... but the idea I do want to keep in mind is that movement is a good thing for me and my body, and dancing, or just walking, is something I can, must, need, and to get my mind and body wrapped around it... get to *want* to do. For me. ... For my inner Diva. Another line offered is to get rest, at least 8 hours, so off to bed, and maybe a little reading, to get some good sleep. I need it.

fashion, "transform into butterfly", books

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