New Blog

Feb 17, 2009 16:21

Well... after some long thought, I finally realized that yes, like margorose said, it is probably better to have a separate blog just for my sewing, costuming, etc. goodness, so I can use that site as an insert into my personal web site, than to use my personal blog, this one, and hope to remember to hit the right buttons so that more private rants and such stay out of my sewing stuff.

So, I then thought long and hard about doing Blogger or Blogspot or the other blog programs out there, but I found that LJ makes it rather easy to insert a blog into a web site, and I am used to how LJ works having used it for a number of years now. This way I also don't have to do workarounds and end up not using my web site, which I rather like working with.

Soooo... long story shorter. I have a new blog that will be where I post my sewing, costume, millinery, decorative crafts, and even illuminations, that I otherwise discuss and show off on my web site.

It is an infant, with only one icon pic, and one post so far. I will be working, as time and other activities allow, on back filling my old sewing posts, starting with my current project. I also need to find a few new icons, which I want to make from my own pics.

IF you are reading this blog just for whatever costume & sewing posts I put here, please feel free to drop this one, and add my other blog to your reading list. I won't take it personally. I will be posting notices here whenever I post there, so that people are aware of my sewing updates, but I won't be double posting my posts. This way I can keep whatever conversations on the garments/projects to the topic at hand over there. And so I don't bore my friends who are not into my costuming/sewing/projects work.

I will eventually make this a Friends Only blog, but not right away. I will post again when I am ready for that.

lj, personal

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