In L.A.

Feb 07, 2009 22:42

So, I am at casketgirl's place in L.A.. I am also gaming via iChat video with my homies, so I don't miss tonight's game. She's watching tv, and doing something on her own laptop. I just wanted to post my thoughts while I was still excited about the trip & workshop.

I drove down last night in the heavy rain. Man, it really was heavy just as I get into the Magic Mountain area, where there are construction barriers, then with people slowing rapidly down because of the rain, it was nerve wracking. But I got here in one piece.

Today Heather and I went to see Robin Netherton. She was just AWESOME!! Yeah, I sound like a dweeb (such a dated word), but after years of emails over h-costume, to actually meet her and watch her slide visuals, and listen to her lectures was wonderful. She really is funny, too. Not something that comes over the list.

While it was medieval clothing, her way of looking at the research, and her observations and logical progressions really made my mind churn on insights into early Tudor, although she admits that her final info ends right before the time frame I am looking at, and that it may not be applicable. But I believe that some of it is indeed applicable to early Tudor clothing, and her way of constructing clothing concepts (like the simple tiny curve) really makes me want to take fabric to my dress dummy, and see what possibilities I might come up with. It also makes me want to make a gothic fitted gown as well, soonish (like after the April project is done).

She covered quite a bit of material, too much to cover here. From gothic fitted dress, to the "Greenland" gown finds, sideless surcoats, V-necked gowns, and the problem of women's heraldic dress. I did not take many notes although I know lots of people there did. Some of it I had already read over the years from Robin's posts, or had minimal interest in other than the logic of the issues. But I learned a lot.

It makes me realize that my mind is very much thinking from the modern cut & slash, drape and pattern way of making clothing, not like their probable methods which are rather different; simpler yet elegant in their simplicity. I do think a little that way, but not a lot... so I need to adjust my thinking just a bit further to understand this better.

I took a few photos of Robin and her garments, but most of the lectures come from her slides, which we cannot actually photograph for copyright reasons. But she did have a few images I need to ask her for her sources so I can hunt them down myself.

Dinner was at a nearby Japanese restaurant with Heather's honey, and I enjoyed crunchy chicken (aka Chicken katsu), hot tea, and my favorite sweet Japanese pickels. Yummmm.

Well... back to game time, since we are in the middle of combat. I don't get much actual face time, as the monitor is facing the game board. Thankfully, they moved the cookie packages out of visual range.

gaming, travel, costume

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