Netherton trip planning.

Feb 03, 2009 18:53

Well, it looks like my trip this weekend will end up with me driving in the rain, with possible thunderstorms.

I have my car rental ready, so my family can have the family car. I plan on picking that up around 2:30, so I can leave around 3:30 or so, which may end up with me hitting Bakersfield on Friday around rush hour traffic, so I may play around on the time frame and adjust the rental time. I just really want to avoid rush hour in LA, yet not get in late. Not sure where to break for dinner, tho. Hmmm... seems I need to figure out the time frame a little more.

My friend casketgirl, who I am staying with for the weekend, will be joining me on Saturday!! Thankfully, weather wise on Sunday when I return, it should be partly sunny, instead of storming (I hope). But I want to hit Ikea on Sunday before I return, since we don't have one locally. I've heard stories, but never visited there before.

And for those hitting the Festival of the Rose, or the RenSymposium... have fun! I kinda wish I was going to either event, but... it's Robin Netherton!


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