I am slowly working on hand sewing with whip stitch one of the back seams. My hand hurts from the work, as I am pulling the needle through three layers. I think I will pull out an even smaller needle and see if that works. Normally I use a 10 Sharp, but I think I have an 11 Millinery I can use. I do like the curve on the shoulder area, but it is hard on my hands trying to hold the curved edges together while easing a little, as I can't pin the curve much, and with the bones in, have to using mini-clips to hold parts of it together.
So, I am letting my fingers rest.
I got into the sewing tonight in part to calm myself down from the teeth pulling we had with both kids tonight. Not literal teeth pulling, but Relle did not want to eat her dinner (again), and Cam did not want to do his homework, and we barely got him to eat his dinner. Relle ended up stalling so long she got simply put to bed, which lead to great wailing and gnashing of my teeth, trying not to be upset from the very high pitched wail she let out for minutes.
Oh, forgot to mention a few days ago that I finally got Relle in to see her Pediatrician.
She's at 40" and 38 pounds, which puts her into the 95% on both. Doc says she will end up at 5'10" if she continues this way, no comment on the weight (but for her height, she looks good to my eye). She's also on full time potty training, with all undies all the time, which has lead to many a minor slipup in the past few days, but she's getting really good about going pee when she needs to, and today was dry all day. It is the poop issue that continues to be firmly held in her control, and she does not want to use the potty seat when it comes to that (and does not want to use public restrooms, either). She is in diapers for bed time, as I don't see a child controlling their bladders at night, and that's fine with me. It took Cam his own time and own decision to control himself, and that was a few months after he was able to control himself during the day. One step at a time.
Well, back to the hand sewing, and now with both kids in bed, hopefully the adults can find something to relax by... like Smallville, and CSI.