My first batch!

Dec 12, 2008 16:28

Ok, I am finally making my first batch of soap. Like usual with me, whenever I start something new, I have to read, and reread, and maybe even re-re-read all the directions on it I can find. Yeah, it's annoying, since it takes up time doing that.

But, now I am on my way to my first ever hot process soap batch. I decided to go very simple, with only one oil, olive oil, and no other additives. I figure I can try and see what that feels like first, then use the rest of the batch to hand mill and put in other stuff... like I read that they did in 16th century England, since olive oil soap is supposedly (from what I've read) "Castille soap", that was exported from Castille, Spain and still is.

Someday I may try really old fashioned lard soaps, or milk soaps... I've got a hankering to make chocolate soap just because I am in a chocolate mood... but for now, my plain old olive oil soap is in the small crockpot I bought cooking and neutralizing into actual soap. Oh, I hope it works out ok. And I will have a "period" soap to compare the rest to (heh, another item for the A&S 50!)

Next batch will most likely be something with coconut oil, and maybe some shea butter, or something nice and useable for my winter dry skin. But baby steps first.

Well off to peer into my pot, and help Cam clean up the living room of toys (his main chore).

Hmmm... I am gonna need to make a soap icon when I get pics.

a&s50, soap

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