My boring Friday.

Nov 28, 2008 19:48

So, today we avoided the Black Friday marketing frenzy. Yeah, there are some really great deals on gifts, but to be honest, if I had gone shopping it would have been for me, or my immediate family... and the best deals were on electronics we don't need or already have. Besides, there will be other bargains in the coming days. So, time to figure out what we really want to get for friends and family.

So, after an early morning shift with the kids, I took a brief late morning nap, since my ongoing headache (which I think now is from a rib out of place) makes for lousy sleep.

The guys then came over, and Rob & the kids worked on putting up Christmas lights outside. I eventually got up again, and started laundry, had lunch, then made my way outside to clean up our front yard of the weeds, old vines, dead grasses (need to finish later) and fallen leaves. Rob did a stellar job with the lights, and the new Thomas the Tank Engine blow-up lawn ornament looks good. The kids loved seeing that one, and Cam even agreed that I was a "cool Mom" for getting that.

I made a quick side trip to my Mom's old house, since the neighbor's owner had repaired the fence. Saw that it was sturdily built with good materials, chatted with my tenant/friends (Dave is still on the road in Texas and will be until they unload his truck on Monday. Wife Cindy is doing well), then headed back home to finish up with the front yard cleanup.

Cam did his living room cleanup, after some financial bribe encouragement (it is his weekly allowance). We had dinner tonight at our usual Japanese restaurant. I've put a few loads of laundry away, and still have yet to touch the dishes. But now I am really sore from all that work in the yard, and tired. I think I will sleep well tonight, if I can get the pain down to a lower roar. Pain meds have been taken, but not kicked in yet.

Tomorrow I plan on doing more work around the house. Maybe the back porch, or finish the painting, or diving into my mess of a sewing room, since I want to do some sewing again.

But I will admit that seeing the Christmas lights, I am a little more in the holiday spirit. I might even make gingerbread cookies tomorrow!

house, housework, personal

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