Planning thoughts.

Nov 17, 2008 20:21

So, my cold is still kicking me in the chest, and I am getting tired of it. It hurts sometimes to just breathe, so if this doesn't clear up soon, I will be finding my doctor and checking out if it has turned into something worse (I hope not).

Otherwise, I've been pondering about a few things.

I want to paint in the play room, but paint fumes and having a hard time breathing are not something I want to mix, so it will have to wait. Bt it frustrates me to see it only partly done every time I walk into the room.

I realized that I have a number of sewing projects that must get done. I have joined the new LJ community, stash_challenge (thank you marymont), to help me along with that, and other projects. I will figure out what order to work on things, but work on them I want to do. I have some that are mostly done (why I quit before I am finished, I don't know).

Some of the items are nice but "mundane" clothing items for me to wear on a more frequent basis than the events I do. I have a winter coat I want to make, tho as usual, the ideas running through my head are more on the trimmings which will take time, and may end up making the coat into next spring - not something I want to do. So, maybe just a simple coat to begin with would work out. And really, why shouldn't I wear nicer things sometimes? Maybe because most of my day is spent working with something that could leave bleach spots, or food stains... maybe I need to make modern aprons or something.

I also want to branch into soap making, hot process style, tho I might start in on hand-milled first since it seems easiest. I mainly want to make holiday gifts since I want to contribute something more personal during the holidays for the gifts we give. I plan on getting a crock pot and some basic utensils soon. I've even found the Handcrafted Soapmakers Guild site, and they will be having their 2009 annual conference in Palm Springs next spring! That is kinda tempting, since I doubt I will be doing Costume College next year. But I've got another idea brewing to replace that weekend of costume goodness.

Also up this week is pomegranate collecting. Rob already culled the dozen from our tiny tree (still looks more like a shrub) and already has harvested the seeds. He loves pom jelly, so I hope to collect more fruits from a friend this week or weekend (already given permission, just need to organize the time & tubs).

And since I've been on this couch coughing up a lung, I've been slowly adding images to my Tudor Women research area. They had been there for some months now, I just forgot I had to actually do something to put them onto pages to upload. I hope to finish that tonight, so I can move onto another web project.

fashion, article

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