Hiroshima a-bomb

Nov 16, 2008 18:52

I found a couple of articles on the effects of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

The first shows photos of the aftermath of the bomb.

The second is a translated story from a Japanese doctor who survivied the bombing.

These are just two reminders of why such wars and bombs should never be used again. It also gives me a little more insight into what happened to my Mom and her people. I sometimes wish she had told me her story, but she never would speak about it except for a few minor details before she died.

And I am not going to discuss the pros/cons of this or any war. The Japanese at the time did their own attrocities, as did many other nations. I just wanted to link to these two articles for anyone else who wants to look at them, and for my own memory in the future.

mom, photo, article, hiroshima

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