Countess of Shrewsbury

Sep 24, 2008 21:35

I got the news tonight that I am going to be portraying the Anne Talbot (nee Hastings), Countess of Shrewsbury at Hanford RoK. Looking up info on her tonight, I see one of her daughters marries Henry Clifford, the first Earl of Cumberland, so it seems to be keeping the family line I have been playing sorta intact, just shifted a bit.

So, I want to put in the info & links I will need in a couple of weeks as reference. I am wondering if I can memorize the names of all eleven children the Countess had.

On George Talbot, the 4th Earl of Shrewsbury (I am going to have to practice that name, as it is pronounced shrows-bree) according to the wiki article. He was also Earl of Waterford, Knight of the Garter (1488) and Knight of the Bath. Lord High Stewrd of Ireland, and became Lord Steward of Henry's court. Seems he was very wealthy. I guess I will have to figure out a way to portray a wealthy woman, since my gown is of wool. Hmmmm....

On Anne Hastings, which really gives little info on Anne. This wiki article on George mentions that Anne dies in 1520.

I was hoping for an image of some sort, but nothing is turning up on a brief search. Ah well...

Now to get back to my sewing.

renfaire, research

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