Anne of Brittany, mockup #2

Sep 18, 2008 22:43

Well, the second mockup went very nicely and quickly, tho I am wondering the best order to sew parts of it, as I don't like the way I did the mockup. And I think I want to make one by hand, just because.

I am not completely happy. Why? Because the hood is obviously standing away from the coif, and I don't know how to make it sit snugger to the head, without sewing it directly to the coif. I want to avoid that, as the coif should remain separate and washable to my way of thinking, and sewing the two together will be hard on placement. Although some basting stitches might work.

I am thinking that the coif is wrapped around the head in some manner, whether it is in actuality the square yard style of simple headwrap, or a ribbon or something that is hidden under the hood. I will try that out tomorrow, when I am more in the mood to actually fiddle with braiding my hair, getting the coif on, and the hood, too.

Duh, it was probably pinned onto the coif, which would help it snug more closely. Yeah, will try that one too, and hopefully with my brass pins which have gone awol. They should be hidden a bit among the pearls/beads once those are in place.

Another thing I am not happy with is how little the back hood portion came out. I chopped off most of the length in the second mockup, since it wasn't important to the front edge, and was using up lots of fabric. I think I will widen the width of that back portion, so hopefully it won't look so skinny, compared to the images.

Something else I've come to realize quite strongly, is that even among a specific time period, or in images of one person (say Anne of Brittany), there are multiple styles of her hood that I see she is wearing in images of her. Some have this turnback lining showing (here and here), some are clearly a straight edge where the gold billiment is holding down the hood, some have an angled cutaway edge (again with heavy billiment). So for those who want to make one of your own, have fun with it. I may just end up making three or four different styles of hoods, so we aren't all cookie cutter images of each other.

Anyway, here are the pics I've taken so far. The main hood is the green, and the lining was a natural muslin.
(best to view the main site, if you want the titles of each image.)

Btw, it is seriously cool to find one's web site mentioned in a wiki article on French hoods that I did not write; It's part of the External Links. I only found it when I went looking to see if others had done an "Anne of Brittany" style hood (not found one yet). They also have modehistorique's info, too, and quoted a section from her site. I need to find my log-in info, because I want to update their stub, and I am thinking of uploading my super large scans to wikimedia, since I have them already, and some images on that site are just too tiny.

I think I will now spend some time under the blankets. My throat is hurting me, and my body temp can't figure out if it is hot or cold.

costume, research, hats, aob hood

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