Computer issues.

Sep 08, 2008 17:34

I took my computer into the local Genius table, and they took a look at the keyboard. They did not find any evidence that the soda was the culprit, which is good, as they will cover the cost of replacing the problem keyboard after they get in a part for it. I will also get a new battery, since my computer is shutting itself off at around 70-something% when I am off the cord.

On the keyboard, ... I don't know what really caused the problem. The splash happened onto a small part of the computer, but not the keys. Then the key issues started first an hour later with Y, then about an hour later, the S went, then other keys went later.

Thankfully, I do have work arounds, like the wireless keyboard I am currently using. It just means I am stuck in my sewing room with the computer for now.

Once the part is in, it will be 2-3 days of work, so I will not be online later this week. I hope to use the time doing some more house cleaning and sewing, since the computer will not be taking up my time (hmmm... that's not a bad thing, really).

Edit: Wow, the Apple store just called and left a message saying that my part is already in! I could take it in tonight if I wanted. Hmmm... Probably tomorrow then.


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