Today's stuff.

Jul 07, 2008 23:40

Today was a quiet day, once I got started.

While it was hot outside, I spent a few hours redoing the cannings that did not work out a good seal. Not as labor intensive as it was yesterday, and the seals all look good this time. And the three cans of tomatoes, ended up as two cans today once they were boiled for a few minutes, with lots of water in both jars.

This afternoon I found my new book from Maggie in my mailbox. I've already started reading it, and Maurelle has already left a cookie crumb mark on the edge.

Cam has gone up another level tonight in swimming lessons. He now has to learn the freestroke, which I think may take him a bit to practice on.

I spent the evening while he and Rob were at practice watering my poor suffering plants. The trees will need more deep watering during the week, as the nightly water system is not giving them enough. I've already lost one whole branch on the apple tree, with another looking wilted.

Tonight Rob and I worked a few hours to get the kid's play room back into some order. Well, the stuff has been picked up and semi-organized, but we aren't done. I am sure the kids will make a mess again tomorrow, but we will finish up the organizing tomorrow night, and then hopefully I can work on cleaning the carpet on Wednesday. Tomorrow Rob has to find out why our front porch is getting drenched, as it is soaking into the front carpet of the play room (which has its own door set). I need to see if it can be easily caulked outside.

And now to bed, I think. My back is achy from tonight's work.

maurelle, cameron, housework, personal

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