Further sewing room progress & eBay setup

May 21, 2008 22:30

Well, for those few of you following along, another chunk of space, small amount as it was, has now been cleared, and many items found are going up for auction.

So, here's the before shots seen previously, followed by an after shot. I also go into my photo booth thing behind the cut.

Side view:

Upper cube area view from front:

Yeah, that second shot isn't the clearest, but you get the messy drift there.

Here's the after shot of the cleared cube top:

Two of the baskets are empty, and the third has the hats I am keeping. The stuff on the left corner are almost finished cross stitch projects that I need to find a better place to hold them, until I can actually finish them. The ankh goes with the Egyptian print. I've had an interest in Egyptian history and mythology since I was a kid. There is a reason I was thrilled to stay at the Luxor hotel in Vegas when I got married.

I found that most of the items in that batch were stuff I want to get rid of. Mostly it is yarn, lots of yarn, from a time that I was trying to make lots of hats, crocheted berets, for Scots in our guild. Only a few of them actually got finished, including one that is mostly done except for finishing the yarn end. I also made one for my Mom, in black and red, that was also mostly done... but I don't know if I have the heart to finish it anymore.

So, the yarn, the semi-worked hats, and even some knitting needles from when I was trying to knit, are all going to be sold or given away. There were other things I found, that also must go (wooden spoon, a leather mask, roving, fabric swatches, puka? shells, an "Elizabethan"? standing collar I made at Costume College (I think it actually is a later style, but that's what the teacher called it; vintage sewing stuff).

And as I was putting a few of them into the bin, I realized that if all I did was put it in there, it would just end up getting piled up until... never. So, if I am going to put them online, I may as well get pics of them now, not later, someday. So, I got out my photo booth that I had bought some time ago and have barely used. I dug out my lights, dusted off my dummy head (I should name her something suitable), and set up everything on part of my folding cutting table, so now I have a nice setup for taking most of the pics I need, at least for the small stuff. Large stuff I photograph outside.

So, here's a pic of my photo booth setup.

I think it is a nice setup, and it does make the items look much nicer, even when they are a bit dusty. So, now I can deal with the photos when I am otherwise bored in the living room, and will get those things out the door sooner, rather than later.

Soon, I need some red paint for one wall section, and prints need to go up, and of course, the work continues tomorrow.

ebay, photo, housework

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