Odds & Ends

Apr 01, 2008 17:19

Doing some coat sized hook & eye work, and taking a much needed break from them. I figured that one out, when I put in a hook, when it should have been an eye.

One child is still napping (yay), and the other is in back playing with the other kids from the area. Only one container of cool-aid so far.

Green dye test swatch came out too dark a green, and too blotchy. Still not sure what to do about the fabric, but I have a couple more Rit greens (teal & kelly) I can use for testers.

Will be heading to our local knit store, owned by our Baroness, to meet with hsifeng and do some lucet or fingerweave braiding, or at least try to figure them out. Lucet I am getting ok, I've yet to do any fingerweave braiding in the fashion noted in the book. The other type is more weaving, and went ok, but not the same thing.

So, a little salad to eat before I head out, and M. is now up and asking to get out. Later then...

dyeing, personal, a&s

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