Gooks online with Victorian books.

Feb 21, 2008 01:21

Ok, so I made up a new word: Gooks=Google books, the ones that Google has available in digital format online.

Ok, I have never read Frederick William Fairholt's "Costume in England" before now... and here people thought Norris was bad. Fairholt's images are worse, and he doesn't even know how many wives Henry VIII had... "The very interesting portrait (on the next page) of the seventh 
and last wife of "the rose without a thorn," (pg. 193, 1860 edition)

And if you look at the image on that same page, you can see where some old movie costumers got their idea of what a bad gable hood supposedly looked like, although if he's taking this image from an image of Anne Bullen (sic), why is the hood in the same diamond pattern as the rest of the front portion?

Yeah, Norris' images are better, even if he doesn't state where many comes from.

But a few decent things for Fairholt... he quotes period sources at times, too.

"In the thirty-third year of his reign, Henry passed a sumptuary 
law regulating the apparel of each member of the community, ... The ladies were 
also effectually reached by the same law, through their husbands ; 
for it was enacted, that "if any temporal person of full age, whose 
wife not being divorced, nor willingly absenting herself from him, 
doth wear any gown or petticoat of silk, or any velvet in her kirtle, 
or in any lining or part of her gown (other than in cuffes and par- 
fles*), or any French hood or bonnet of velvet with any habiliment, 
paste, or edge of gold, pearl, or stone, or any chain of gold 
about her neck, or upon any of her apparel ; have not found and
kept a light horse furnished, except he have been otherwise charged 
by the statute to find horse or gelding, shall lose 101. every three 
months while he has so neglected."

*Edgings or borders. Velvet gowns and martens' fur were prohibited to all 
persons but those possessed of 200 marks per annum ; the fur of black genet 
was confined to the royal family, and that of sables to nobles above the rank of 
a viscount. (pgs 196-7)

I copied this down, since it mentions French hoods in the statute.

And the above reminds me that I still need to ILL or track down the big book of the Statutes of the Realm sometime, for Henry's sumptuary laws (it is hoped it is in there).

Just found some info on Slops and mourning clothing for women during Henry VII & VIII's time. A Cyclopaedia of Costume Or Dictionary of Dress on page 469. Interesting! I am picking up a number of Gooks in my Gook library, including some period ones. Anyone know how I can share the Google library list?

Yeah, been looking at various Gooks for too long now... must get some sleep!

henry viii, costume, research, hats

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