Secret Adventures of Jules Verne

Jan 16, 2008 02:39

I am working on my web site, getting more images of Tudor men put into place. Boring work, so my mind keeps wandering to the Girl Genius outfit... which isn't helping me.

What it also has been wandering to is The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, and Rebecca Fogg's "secret agent" outfit, the one where her crinoline has a hidden rope system that she used at least once to climb something. Now that is more classic Victorian era Steam Punk style... pretty Victorian dress on the outside, leather and steel corset & crinoline pully/cable system underneath. But how do you let people know what goes on the outside (that pretty dress) is hiding something so cool underneath, at least for a costume convention? I guess this is why I usually don't do Cons, since I haven't a clue.

I've found a web site that has interesting little images from that tv show, but the images are a bit small, and none really that have that interesting hoops.
Actually, there are a number of fan sites... but no DVD info! How sad. I would pick this one up like I did Robin Hood... I just hope I don't have to wait as long.

Heh, found Steely Joe, the steaming cowboy shooter, before they put in the fire in his chest. And what he looks like as a full steaming robot.

Found a few images on the corset, but not very good ones. Nothing on her hoops yet. But found a description on her corset. "She even had her own unique outfit for her more demanding missions, a form-fitting leather suit, adorned with various belts, pouches, weapons, and the like. Almost anything she would need on duty was literally at her fingertips."

I sometimes wish I had been able to save off those old shows, as we recorded them onto TiVo to watch. But then, all we could have recorded them to was VCR tapes, not a digital download like we can now. Hopefully, they will release the one season onto DVD soonish. Maybe.


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