Diet during the holidays? Hell, no.

Dec 26, 2007 21:03

For the last month or so, since this holiday season began, I quit my diet. Yes, quit. Well, more or less I was on P3 since for me this is a life style change (not just another diet). I didn't want to deal with the nasty guilt when there can be so many enjoyable food with social aspects to this holiday season.

I figured I would gain 5 pounds, probably more, maybe less... and today upon weighing myself this morning, after my period had ended (as I usually weigh myself since water gain/loss is assured in my cycle), I found I had gained ... 1 pound. That's it. Wow, was I surprised!

And I am not kicking myself for that one pound... because it meant that for the most part, my daily eating habits have changed enough that even the addition of sweets, pies, cookies, sugars, chocolate and more holiday foods on a more regular basis than I normally have been doing, and foods not on my P2 list (like white bread dinner rolls)... I can keep it all in balance.


I found that I actually did not like eating regular mashed potatoes very much (where's the flavor?), and enjoyed sweet potato dishes a lot more. I prefer the taste and texture of wheat rolls over flat white rolls. And pretty much with the larger buffets and family dinners... I might have a little of everything to taste, but I didn't force myself to eat everything on my plate, and really enjoyed the healthier foods more which I would eat before I enjoyed a treat. And sweets... I could keep those to a small piece here or there, even a few at once, but not the old way of eating mounds of sweets or a bunch of cookies in one sitting. My food life really has changed for the better.

And yeah, with the new Year rolling around, I will be going back to P2 (maybe jumpstarting with a few days of P1 to deal with any remaining sugar in my system), and ADDING exercise to my morning routine with a good walk (by myself as my little kids drive me crazy otherwise), and some weight lifting (but then, I already lift 33 pounds several times every day with my daughter). I still have about 45 pounds left to lose, more or less, and I want to lose that by the end of this year (a pound a week is about what I've been averaging). This is a goal I know I can accomplish.

Here's to a healthy and happy New Year to everyone!

south beach diet, weight, "project: improving me!", weight loss, health

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