Prayer request

Nov 17, 2007 14:38

To Fair Family and Friends Clan Iain Abrach of MacIain,

Joan Wiepert our recently (folsom 2006) retired Guild Mistress, has
been taken to the hopsital, her bone cancer has moved to her brain
causing stroke-like symtoms. She will be moved on Saturday to Vallejo
Kaiser. Family is at the hospital, Kurt (their son) is with Ken at
home (at the time of this posting). Further information will be
distributed as it becomes available.

If anyone wishes further Information, you can leave messages for Ken
at his home or call/Email Tim Jesus.

Please keep Ken and Joan in your thoughts and prayers during this
holiday season.


Tim Jesus
Clan Iain Abrach of MacIain

Joan was such a strong woman in her guild, a true partner to Ken. Ken's been ill for years, so it comes as a shock to me that Joan has been hit so hard by cancer. Please keep them in your prayers.

renfaire, health

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