Bored now...

Oct 25, 2007 15:53

I am working on scanning a number of Tudor images for my web site. There are a number of illuminations alone that are rarely noted when people do their costuming research. And since a few people are currently working on early Tudor (even earlier than the stuff I am currently scanning), and I need images for next year's Tudor events (marriage & coronation of Henry VIII & Katherine of Aragon), so I will also need these images, especially of the early hoods and early English gables. Yeah, more gables!

However, most images I am finding right now, are Flemish or French, not English (bah!)

I sooooo need to make a gable for myself, but right now my priority is to do the long neglected image scanning that were held off while I was costume creating.

Some of the images are not full of good details, some images have little people, some allegorical, some based on the nobles who appear to be wearing contemporary garments, some are gods who may or may not be wearing contemporary garments. Some images are hard to date, since they are based on contemporary garments, but were of a king who died the century prior.

I am bored because it is taking a long time to scan these images. But I want the details, so that takes more time.

And remembering that the gentleman from Old Jersey made a request some time ago, I am scanning in images from Henry VII (that is 7) reign, which started in 1485. Henry VIII began his reign in 1509.

henry viii, costume, illumination, tudor

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