Ruffs and Stomachers... what???

Aug 16, 2007 16:56

"KIng Henry and Queen Anne are wearing ruffs in 1530 and latest command is that they want "stomachers" out of different fabric and the 'hourglass shape.' "

Ruffs? Stomachers??? Someone shoot me now! This, THIS is what is decreed for a Henrician renaissance faire somewhere out in this world of ours. Gads!!

At least our Tudor faires are run by people who know the differences between Henrician and Elizabethan styles. Even if they bend so many of the rules (they like to wear corsets & farthingales no matter the time period), at least our group doesn't wear ruffs and contrasting stomachers when doing Henry.

No wonder the poor woman I've been trying to assist is pulling out her hair. She's a Historian, with full Ph.D. She knows this isn't right, but has to make it according to their faire commandments. I feel for her, I really do.

And this makes me want to go play in SF Ren Faire, which is a Marian event. The photos I've seen of the woman who plays their Queen looks really good, and she's wearing a proper French hood of the time period. I think girlon_theverge even played a young Queen Elizabeth there, although I haven't seen as many photos of Brooke at that event, but knowing her garb looks good, I know it had to be better, so much better than what the poor Historian is going through right now.

I really hope Historian can get a proper answer from their faire board on how to make her daughter's outfit, but I think it will be more fantasy than historical; or shall we just say... "historically inspired" like so many movies today.

renfaire, venting, costume, snark

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