Cam's first day of school

Aug 15, 2007 15:04

Oh, what a busy first day, even tho' it was a short day for him, as all Wednesdays will be.

Still, he was up early (compared to usual) at 8am, so we could have breakfast early. The only reason being that his "lunch" time is at 11:00am, which he is not used to. We usually get up later, have breakfast later, have lunch later, then dinner later... that's just our schedule. But not anymore, and boy am I tired.

I didn't cry, but Maurelle did. It was either her missing her brother as we were heading out the door, or wanting to get down and play with the stuff that was laid out for all of the new kindergarteners. I did manage to get a photo of Cam sitting in his new seat. Only one, as I also had Maurelle in my arms trying to keep her from getting into things.

When I was leaving, I saw all the parents recording their child's first day... poses by the signs, or the balloons, or full video shoots of every new step their precious child took. I guess I will just have to leave mine with the one photo, and the memories in my brain.

I thought when he was picked up that he would be very excited to share his first day experience, but nope, he was mopey that he didn't get to ride the school bus home. He didn't even see me when I was standing right in front of him, as I think he was looking for the bus. Well, if we can determine if there is a bus for the PM kids to be picked up, or which he will ride to get home, then he can ride the bus, which will help me as I have Maurelle to worry about carrying while guiding him to his class, and she's getting big and heavy.

He says they read stories, played, had lunch, colored, and had fun. I know one larger kid liked Cam right away, since Cam had on his Thomas shirt, and that kid had a Thomas backpack. We didn't bring his backpack, since all he needs right now is his lunch. And his neighborhood friends were not in his class, so I don't know if they are doing the AM classes, or a completely different school.

As to the time he was away ... the house was a lot quieter. Maurelle was there to keep me busy, 'helping' me fold the laundry, and play bouncy on the bed. But his voice was missing, and that got to me a little. I will have to get used to it, as tomorrow will be a longer day. And I didn't get to make the cookies up, as the butter was cold and may just now be ready to work. He still had a graham cracker that he shared with is sister, instead.

Right now he is in his room playing quietly. I told him that only babies needed naps, so as he is no longer a baby, he doesn't need to take one unless he wants to. But, he does have to do quiet playing, which he was fine with. I still need my own downtime in the afternoons, like today, as Maurelle physically is still demanding on my body. My arms and hands were quivering, which wasn't pretty.

And he will be going to bed a little earlier, around 8pm or so to start his bath. He needs it, as he didn't get much sleep last night playing around in his room till 10 or so. Another reason to get him up at 8am, as next year he will have to get up even earlier to go to school.

cameron, school

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