If you could change the world...

Jul 18, 2007 23:25

One last thing before I head off to shower...

kass_rants had an interesting rant that I wanted some of my friends to read. It basically was... that if she could make the world a better place, she "would abolish ready-to-wear clothing." Read it, it has various good points on why this would make the world a better place.

On so many levels I agree with her. But then, I admit I am biased, being a person who heartily prefers custom made garments of my own sewing (or my Mom's when she made them for me), even if I don't have the time to make more than I have.

Anyway, here's the link to her post.

So, what would you want to do to change the world? I don't know what my one thing would be.


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