Minor update on me.

Jul 02, 2007 17:03

Not much going on around here, except for some major cleaning in my sewing room, organizing, rearranging bookshelves and books in my bedroom (taken from Maurelle's bedroom), and generally making a big mess trying to get it all cleaned up properly.

I've even redone all my folders, well most of my folders, into that GTD system of just using regular folders, and sorting alphabetically. I still have some more folders to resort, and a small pile of papers to put away that's on my desk, and then it will be done. Then I will need to organize my books, and insert projects, and organize my stash, and a whole bunch of other things that will take way more time than I had wanted to deal with all of this, especially as I can only do this in bits and starts while the kids are asleep.

I would much rather be sewing.

But the project I want to sew on, hand sew on even, has disappeared into my mess, which means I MUST ORGANIZE or I will not find my pattern for the kirtle and surcoat! And here I wanted to hand sew the kirtle at least before Costume College, and that will so not be happening at this point. {sigh}

It is now dinner time, so off to eat before hitting the filing again. I so hate filing. I had that as a job for many years (along with bookkeeping), and I hated it then, and even more so now. But as much as I hate it, like laundry, it must be done.

patterns, cleaning, organization

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