Photos of Blue Men's Henrician Suite

May 24, 2007 22:38

I uploaded the photos that I took on my digital camera to my flickr account. The set can be found here, which include what photos I had before.

The suite was based on this image of Henry VIII, but as redone by Norris. I will scan that image when I get my new flatbed scanner. I used both images in making the suite.

I dislike that flickr randomizes the photos, so they aren't in any particular order. But they all have notes on them, so you should know what you are looking at since there are a number of detail images.

I will post the film photos sometime after my new scanner arrives (it also does quality film scanning!). Those will have each item lying flat on the ground, except the hat, which I was dumb and didn't take any film photos of it.

I will be seeing my client in August for an adjustment with the skirt. I hope to be able to take photos of him wearing the complete suite, including the hat.

photo, dressdiary, tudor garment, costume, client

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