That Henrician Outfit is Almost ...

May 14, 2007 17:58

I am almost done. I will be finished, completely done, by tonight. I've only to hand sew the doublet lining at the sleeve.

The jewels are in place, the hooks and eyes are done, all the handsewing, the very consuming in time hand sewing is done. While I love the look of those jewels, they really were a pain to sew on, and the threads continue to threaten to shred.

I will be sending a bit of the heavy hand thread in the package, so if any of the jewels come off, he can have it put back on. All the 50 jewels were put on, so there are no extras on those.

Tomorrow, the garment will be photographed in the sunlight, and then carefully packed and sent off. It will be out of my hands. And I am both happy at what I have wrought, and sad that it will no longer be around for me to enjoy the creation of.

And at this point, it has been about 90+ hours of work. And well worth the time, if I do say so myself.

Oh, and all the photos I've been taking on my digital camera to document the progress... are all gone. I accidentally wiped the card clean right before the concert on Saturday. Ah, well.

dressdiary, tudor garment, sewing, costume, client

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