Tudor breeches

May 03, 2007 23:44

I decided to work on the breeches tonight, since they are the simplist, and it gives me more time to think about how exactly to deal with the sleeve puffs.

The breeches were already a fitted mockup (which was an experience in itself) having followed the TT info on fitting breeches. The only difference was, I didn't have a pattern, I just draped straight on the leg, using the bias of the cotton twill mockup fabric, which was a similar weight and feel to the wool twill flannel I am using for the actual breeches. This worked fine for most of the leg and bum, but I had to pin on a straight piece for that odd crotch piece, which I used a scrap that was straight on grain (it was a selvedge edge scrap). I then marked all the seam lines with a permanent marker, then unpinned the guy. Yes, I was very careful while I snipped away the fabric.

Tonight I cut out along the seam line for the mockup, marked my grain and bias lines, laid the mockup on the wool, then marked 1/2 inch from the edges for the cutting lines. I added a little extra at the bottom for the hem. Then I carefully cut out the first leg. I then flipped that leg, marked and lined up grain lines, marked around the edges, and cut out the second leg. The only reason I didn't just cut along the first leg is that my cutting table isn't wide enough to deal with it, without the fabric shifting. I then pinned each leg matching up the marked matching notches, and finally realizing that my legs were getting sore, took a break (I had been standing up the whole time).

So, my legs being sore, I am taking a break long enough to explain what I did. I am debating on going straight to bed, as I am not thinking too well right now. I've been having chills and tummy issues today, so I think my body needs rest. I can do the sewing up of the breeches tomorrow, after I cut out the linen canvas interlining, and the linen lining from the mockup pattern.

And then to Queen Bess & the Pyrates faire on Saturday, to do court again. At least it will be a lot cooler (expected to be 74 F, not 97 like last weekend, thank God!).

dressdiary, tudor garment, sewing, costume, client, breeches

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