Musings on Imus.

Apr 11, 2007 19:47

I just wanted to post my thoughts on one thing that massively hit the airwaves the past few days... Imus.

I don't listen to Imus. I don't care for what he typically has to say. I am not surprised that he caught a case of foot-in-mouth disease, as he called some people, a talented bunch of ladies in sports, by a disgusting name, that I don't think is funny even on Xmas cards (yes, I've seen them, at Macy's one winter).

But if he's going to say something racist, he has the right, by our very constitution of this United States to say every stupid, racist thing he wants to. It's called Freedom of Speach, part of the First Amendment in our Constitution (aka the Bill of Rights). I don't agree with his words, I don't like his words, but I don't like seeing people who want to yank him from the air because of the words he said that hurt people. That's called censorship, that's what dictatorial nations do, and I don't like it, even when it is done to someone who most definitely deserves to have his mouth plastered shut.

Now if companies want to pull their advertising dollars, and people want to change the channel, that's their right to do so. If they want him to apologize (which he has done, I've read), that's good, too. But obviously, lots of people listen to his crap on a regular basis. They enjoy his crap, or he wouldn't still be on the air.

So, what's it going to be people... disgusting words, or censorship? Don't we have more important things to worry about.

politics, news, opinion

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