Corsetted to smaller than a 3 year old's waist.

Feb 07, 2007 12:39

Talk about a distorted image of beauty. And it isn't the Victorian ideal anymore, but contemporary!

Von Teese in a tight squeeze

We've all dreamt of fitting into our old high school jeans but now Burlesque stripper, Dita Von Teese, has pulled off the near impossible, squeezing her waist size down to 16inches - smaller than the average waist size of a three year-old.

The estranged wife of Goth rocker Marilyn Manson slinked onto stage in Munich, Germany, shaving an extra 5inches off her normal 21inch waist.

The 34-year-old almost starves herself days before a performance, eating only protein and small amounts of steamed vegetables.

Dita said: 'I love the feeling, though. It's like being completely tight.'

The group I got this from, the poster thought is was "lovely". Oye!

It takes all kinds.

Well, back to the laundry, dishes and the kids whose waists are bigger than this woman's.

fashion, corset, beauty

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