Heart checkup, and reality check.

Feb 01, 2007 13:50

Well, I recently came back from the cardiologist. The Ob/gyn had detected a heart murmer, and my cholesterol levels were not good, so the referral. The good news is my heart is currently fine (bp 128/80), although I will be getting an indepth heart stress test to determine what is causing the murmer. The bad news is that I have "metabolic syndrome", meaning I am pre-diabetic. My cholesterol good levels are not as high as they should be, even tho my bad levels are in the good range (not sure how that happened). And I think it was the triglicerides? were in the 300 range, although I don't recall the exact numbers.

So, I basically have a choice in front of me. Change my lifestyle and my eating habits, or get diabetes, and eventually heart disease.

Hmmmm... such a hard choice.

I am now officially on the South Beach diet plan, although right now it is just to read it and work out a specific diet next week when I go back. I really do hate the word diet (such a bad 4 letter word), but when the doctor says you have to do this, well, it really sticks to my mind that yes, this I need to do.

I also have to take a baby asprin daily to prevent artery clogging since my artery walls are not healthy right now. And walk, which also means getting a pedometer and working to that magic 10, 000 steps a day.

This really is a year for my health improvement, which I can either do willingly, or kicking and screaming. Ok, I give, I will do this willingly. I do not want diabetes or a heart attack. I am ready to change my life for the better.

It is a good thing my clothing plans were meant to start later, as I won't be the same size I am now. Also means I will need a smaller dress dummy, eventually.

Ah, and something I will do publically... my waist size 40"! I can't wait to see that number go down. As a woman, it needs to be under 35".

"project: improving me!", weight loss, health, walking, waistline

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