Clothing styles for me, and similar thoughts...

Jan 17, 2007 22:12

In my quest to find clothing styles for myself, to reflect who I am on the inside, I've been reading a number of books, some found at the library, a couple provided by a friend (thanks, emmaleth01). I finally came to the catagory of "Classic/Whimsical/Theatrical", if I felt inclined to be placed into such a box. I almost didn't chose a thing, as none of the "descriptors" really fit me. I am a woman who has simple tastes, loves to be comfortable, does NOT follow the latest fashion trends (one book described trends this way, if it is on the sale rack, the trend is on its way out.) I prefer to buy clothes that will last several years (not just a season or two), and will look good on me while they last. I don't mind spending money on something I know will last longer than the trends... hence, Classic. But that need for comfort just didn't fit into a "box" descriptor. It isn't chic, or whimsical, or theatrical or anything but the old classification of "sporty". I am not sporty. I don't like the preppy look, even as I wear polos because I had to for work, once. I do love dancing, but I don't see polos and dancing quite going together.

I chose whimsical, because sometimes I like a ruffled edge on a garment. I also like romantic styles, poet shirts, funky fabrics, etc. It kinda blends into Theatrical style as well. But that's because I love bold colors, wonderful fabrics, and want to wear what I want to wear to make a statement at times. I remembered that I rather liked wearing Karistina's style of dress, because she was a Gangrel who dressed like a Toreador Artist (and often confused people when I told them in my worst Scottish dialect " 'ell no, I'm a Gangrel, laddie!") You could only tell she was a Gangrel when it was friggin cold outside, and I donned on my old leather jacket and jeans.

I've also been looking at various pattern companies, hoping to find something that will work for me. I like Empire waist gowns and blouses, but do plus sized companies carry that? Of course not. Not unless it's the Big3 companies using the Unique Pattern line. I would best be served by getting a full body scan for their patterns, then pay $16.00+ for each pattern I wanted! It might be worth the price for a perfectly fitted pattern, but they don't have any listing for bodyscanners at this time even tho it is January, and they were supposed to list locations this month.

I did find two companies that carried more fitted garments for plus sized people. Silhouette Patterns and Dawn Anderson Designs. The second company is more what I am looking for, historically inspired designs that reflect that I am a costumer. I really like her Rococo Blouse, and the Jacobean Jacket, which I would modify the collar and neckline, and possibly drop the shoulder wings.

I also like this jacket style from Butterick, of all companies B4929. I am not sure if I want to go with the longest jacket length C, or the one with the interesting back tail B. But I already have 5 yards of a cotton damask I plan on dyeing a nice royal blue to make into one of those two jackets muslin first!

I may even get a few patterns from Connie Amadon-Crawford, although when I saw them in person I was only partly impressed. The style lines just don't seem right for me, but if I ever need a fitted suit, I know her pattern would work well, I just wouldn't do patch pockets on my hips which I've come to realize just doesn't look "suit" like to me, it looks more like country-suit-wannabe.

The other plus sized companies pretty much carry stuff that is shapeless or minimally shaped. Most are from art-to-wear companies that offer such patterns as a canvas for artistic expression hence, minimal seams to get in the way of a nicely quilted canvas for fabric) I want a nice tailored look, not another bag or semi-fitted bag, or worse a quilted bag on my body, even if it is a pretty, artistic bag.

So, it looks like I will be making up my own patterns for some of what I want. The bad side, I am not that good at pattern drafting, let alone fitting myself, although every time I do so I do get a little better. The good news is that when I finally get one to fit, it will fit me like a glove (whether that's attractive is another matter).

This also means I need, NEED, a good dress form that can stand up by itself and closely resemble ME. My paper tape form just won't hold up, even if it is an very close match to my body shape. I think I will break down soon and get the Uniquely You dress form. I just need to figure out which size will work best for long term use, since I want to pad out the body since I know that my shape is nowhere near "standard", even for a squishable dress form. I learned that when my paper tape form would not fit on my plus sized dress form. I go in where it goes out, and that's at its smallest dialed plus-size.

Oh, and I figured out what went wrong with my pants pattern. Too much ease in the directions for how I like to wear my pants. And I did not drop the waistline before I put on the waistband, which is why it stuck up at top and looked all wrong. I went through my store bought pants to figure that one out. Modern pants drop the waistline, then put in a fitted waistband, so it ends up in the middle looking proper and fitted, although in my case a little too fitted.

Well, I think I need to order some patterns.

fashion, patterns, "project: improving me!"

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