Can't sleep, again.

Dec 24, 2006 02:51

We finally watched An Inconvenient Truth tonight (Saturday night). I had wanted to see it in the theatre, but as usual, missed it then. Thank goodness for DVDs. I rather like the packaging for it, a simple cardboard 100% post consumer recycleable material. But what was inside, in the visuals and the extra info since the movie was made, really is eye-opening, even if I had read much of the info over the years.

My mind is still thinking about the info included, mulling things over. Then I realized that I forgot to renew my books online Saturday, so I am trying to see if I still can do so, but the website is down. So, I may not be doing so until after Christmas, and pay the fines for my mistake. Ah well.

Well, not much is going on, the website is still not coming up, so back to bed to toss and turn for awhile longer.

movie, books

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