basic notes.

Nov 22, 2006 16:33

Well, yesterday I was able to get a basic sleeve sloper pattern drafted, then proceeded to draft out both my kirtle sleeves and my gown sleeve patterns. I also got the kirtle sleeves cut out from the linen fabrics, and one layer of drill for the foresleeves. The gown sleeve pattern has to be fitted to the gown opening, so I am holding off on doing anything more with that until I know how big that opening will be. But, this is a nice bit of progress, even if kinda slow in going.

I also managed to catch up on 3 hours of Heroes, near the beginning, off of my TiVo. Cool program. I was able to watch it while I was drafting and cutting the patterns. I can't wait to watch more. And please don't anyone tell me what's going on, as I am still a few hours behind. I think the last episode I watched had the Congress critter flying away, Hiro and his partner taking seperate paths back to Vegas, and the artist canvas being finished in blood red. Yeah, that far behind. Maybe I can catch up this weekend, if I have enough time.

pattern drafting, tudor gown, dressdiary, tv, tudor kirtle

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