Tired of writing

Nov 12, 2006 21:14

I need a break. I've been writing the article for the "magazine", if the little pamphlet can be called such. It is more than a pamphlet, but not as large as most magazine's I know. But the two mags I got were rather informative. It is supposed to be focused on the ren-faire crowd for an upcoming event.

The title of the piece is "How To Look Like You’ve Stepped Out Of A Portrait". I am just realizing that something like this was a title of a Costume College class that I went to. She focused on the details of garments through the centuries in images, focusing a lot later in time frame than what I've chosen to do. Although, thinking about it, nothing I've written is really focused on the 16th century.

I think my article will definitely be considered "scholarly", if not too scholarly. I am wondering if it isn't going to be a bit boring. Writing up two pages is easy enough to do, and in fact, I can get wordy, so I am trying hard not to go over two pages. I am at 1,393 1,465 words (max 1,500), not including the title, copyright, and my name.

I had thought of doing up an article on Ren-Faire vs Historical Renaissance Costuming, or something like that. But I couldn't figure out a way to not make it come out whiny, bashing, or just a huge rant. I still believe that our ren-faires are modern fantasies, and has only minimal connections with history, especially for our English peasants, and even many nobles. I know the Germans, the Irish, and even English military groups do great costuming that really do look like they come from a woodcut or portrait. So why do the English peasants look ... well, not historical? Why does it continue when so many other groups can obviously look so much more accurate? We've got better information now than when I started. Anyone have a clue they care to share with me?

I think I've done this enough for one night. I will let it rest a day or two, and do something else tonight, like veg in front of the tv for awhile.

renfaire, costume college, writing, costume, article

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