Sick day.

Nov 07, 2006 20:08

The following was supposed to be posted around 3:30pm. I went for another nap, and forgot to post then.

Today is a bad day for me... I am very sick. I can safely say that with 3 out of the 4 family members having heaving/stomach issues that this was a stomach flu, not just bad food. All have the same symptoms, although I had less food to come up since it started about 7am this morning, waking me from a sound sleep, and a rather nice dream. I ended up calling c0demonkey from work to come back home to take care of the kids, as just getting up to change the baby's diapers (she's still a little runny) had me nearly heaving onto her. I am only on this computer from sheer boredom, as I've been in bed all day long. I may go back to bed as soon as I post this, as my body is still very sore all over.

c0demonkey has been busy since. He finished the Great Toyroom Cleanup, including steam cleaning the carpets. Badly for me, the chemical smell got to me so all windows had to open up, including in my bedroom so I could breathe ok again. He's now putting away the Halloween stuff that is still out, which was also on my agenda of things to do this week, so I really appreciate his hard work while I've been sleeping.

I am so hungry, but I've only been munching lightly on saltine crackers and watered down grape juice. It's all I can hold in my tummy. Tummy not doing well.

health, housework

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