On French hoods, and other hooded thoughts.

Oct 26, 2006 23:58

Just a quick post. I've found more images of French hoods, and other Tudor garments, in a great book on illuminated manuscripts, Illuminating the Renaissance: The Triumph of Flemish Manuscript Painting in Europe. I borrowed the book from Barbara, the lady we spent Sunday scribing with. She has some great books on illumination, and on costuming. I've spent tonight scanning the ones of interest to me. I am tired, and my arms are sore. I am not used to being on this computer a lot anymore.

One image just blew me away as it shows front, side and back views in one image (3 ladies) of a French hood c.1530, and the print of the image is large, so I have some decent details even for an illumination. If only I had found the image before I had made my French hood!! I would have made it differently.

I know now that I must make this new form of a French hood for next faire season, along with my Tudor gable. And if I ever decide to go even earlier into Tudor costuming, I think I have a workable theory, and a few images to back it, on the early Tudor hoods. Not the gables, but similar. I guess I am really getting into hoods and hat fashions.

Something I commented to Barbara and rwfranz on Sunday was how it seems very few people in the SCA wear the funky hoods and hats. Most ladies I saw in LA seemed to prefer a simple veil or large straw hat, or no head covering whatsoever. Yet so many of the illuminations show such funky hats for ladies. As Barbara said, there is only so far she or other ladies are willing to go in their "recreation" of the middle ages. Also, shaving their hair line is another thing not seen in the SCA. I can fully understand that one. I realized that most of the French hood images I've seen, most ladies don't have any hair along the back of their necks, like I have in abundance. I don't see me shaving my neck anytime soon just to get that period look. No way. But if one is interested in looking like you stepped from a painting, having the right hat or hood just seems necessary, even if our modern eyes will snicker in the viewing of it.

Ah well, my mind is shutting off, and I wrote more than I planned on. At least the images are scanned. I will upload and note them later when I have more time.

hair, costume, illumination, tudor, hats

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