St. Henry's trailer of props is stolen.

Jul 19, 2006 17:51

From Heather Parrish, St. Henry's guild mistress.

Howdy, folks:Yes, apparently our trailer was stolen sometime last weekend. Apolice report has been filed and the sherriff's department has linkedit to a drug raid at a local warehouse in Fresno County (they actuallyfound some of our banners in the warehouse). The investigation is"ongoing." Probably the rest of the stuff is awaiting sale at a LosAngeles flea market by now.

So, yes. We are starting from scratch. Any help anyone would bewilling to lend us for the time being would be deeply appreciated. Infact, it would probably leave me speechless (a very difficult thing toachieve, let me assure you!)

Unfortunately, I probably won't have an inventory of needs completeduntil this weekend as I am in the middle of technical rehearsals for amonster production of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the WoodwardShakespeare Festival (which is why the news wasn't posted right away. I haven't really had time to deal with this setback). I will becertain to post our list here.

And yes, we do have an event on the 29th and 30th-- the WoodwardShakespeare Faire in conjunction with the play festival.

Again, thank you for any help you can lend us. We'll be solidifyingour action plan on our July 26 meeting, so any advice you can lendwould be appreciated. I, myself, am thinking of it more as amakeover-- like on "What Not to Wear" or something. ;)

As ever,
St. H(enry)

Wow, I am stunned that this has happened to a local group, although I do know it happens, sadly, from time to time.

If anyone sees anything "faire" prop like in their neighborhood being sold, or at a flea market, or on eBay, please let me know and I can pass on the word.

And I will be posting their list of missing items when I get the list.

Thankfully, there are other guilds who are stepping up and helping St. Henry's with loaner items for their upcoming gig. I am hoping my own guild can look past its own issues and help out... but I am not holding my breath there. I only wish I had more actual props of my own to lend out, but I don't right now.

renfaire, theft, tudor

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