On books, pens and paints

Jul 18, 2006 10:39

Well, the two books finally arrived. And of course they sent me the tracking info from their end today as well. They stated originally that the books were shipped on the 5th. Then their tracking info states it was shipped on the 7th. I don't know what to believe.

Thankfully, I was able to cancel the order from amazon.com, so I won't be getting duplicate books. So I ordered a couple of book on illumination instead.

And then today I won an eBay auction for a used set of Rotring art pens for $13.25 + s/h. Only 1 of the 3 pens/nibs were ever used, 1 of the 5 ink cartridges were used. I hope they didn't keep the cartridge on the nibs, but even if that one is a loss from ink I can't remove (I do have good ink remover from Rotring), the other two should still be in good working order, and I should be able to replace the bad pen. Not too bad for a top of the line cartridge pen system. I like Rotrings. Oh, and it doesn't have an arkansas stone, but that I can get elsewhere anyway.

There is another auction up for a Rotring pen set with the stone, but they left the cartridges on the pens, and they show them with the old ink remaining in the cartridge. If that is still on the cartridge with old ink, then I wonder how the nibs were cared for. But they might be salvageable, with good ink removing stuff like I have. Maybe. I didn't want to chance it on three nibs.

I am hoping to get some Winsor & Newton gouache on eBay, and there are several interesting bids going on. Most are for duplicate paints, so I will have lots of paint if I win them at a decent price. There is even a starter set available, which I may go for. Not sure yet. Not in a rush either. I just need to figure out my top price, and see if I can win anything at that. Thankfully, gouache doesn't seem to be in as hot a demand as oil paints or watercolors from W&N, so it isn't going as high as those are.

Well, back to laundry.

ebay, pens, paints, "bad seller", books

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