How time flies.

Jul 11, 2006 15:07

Today is Cameron's birthday; he's four years old and just got his hair drastically trimmed for the summer. We had a party for him last Saturday, with family and friends. He got a number of gifts that he's been enjoying. But I think he enjoyed having kids his own age, or near abouts to play with. They played a lot in the pool, and with water balloons, and with his Thomas the Tank engine toys. My, how time flies.

My eldest son, Sean, came to pick up the Saturn, which was my Mom's car. It is now his, although the official documents have yet to be filed, since I am waiting for the ownership papers from GMAC. He's 18, and off to commute to college soon. He needed the car so he could attend pre-class stuff, like orientation, get his student ID card, etc.. 18 and an adult. We had a good chat about his years in high school, how well he did in spelling bees and math competitions. First place for both he and his grandma proudly told me. Ok, grandma was proud, Sean was embarrased a bit. Now he is gone again in "his" car.

And my littlest girl, Maurelle, is now asleep for her nap. She loves to crawl around and explore all the toys, plastic bottles, and other stuff that I don't mind her chewing on. She loves to grin for people, and is starting to demand things here and there, like a bottle to drink, or a toy that Cam may have just taken away, or people's attention. But she is still very sweet, quiet, and growing all too quickly.

My, how time flies.

maurelle, sean, cameron

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