Adventures in chemical dyes: Golden Yellow!! (pt 2)

Jun 22, 2006 19:53

The golden yellow linen looks good, and as far as I can tell while wet, not streaked. But boy is it bright "golden yellow". To compare, think of McD's golden yellow arches. Yep, that bright. I hope it will lighten up a bit when it dries.

And I only got about a half hour agitation, maybe a little more, before the machine drained on me a bit early. It's supposed to go for 15 minutes, but when my timer went off, it was already half drained. Ah well, will note next time to set for 12 minutes. As it is, this is plenty enough on the dye, maybe too much so. Won't know until I dry it. Oh, and I need to add softener.

EDIT: Ah, good, saffron yellow is the color. Still bright, but at least a period color. I think backed by a white lining, it should be just fine.

linen, dyeing, tudor kirtle, yellow

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