Weekend review, FFG workshop and game

Apr 23, 2006 22:25

This weekend was a good one. Two days of workshops with Nancy Nehring doing Victorian trimmings stuff with ribbons, froggy closures (oye my fingers were hurting), and beading. She also gave demos of a few thread buttons as well, which was nice. I may have even figured out how to do a 16th century button that is in Janet Arnold's Patterns of Fashion book after having done a froggy closure button. Not sure, and I hope to someday have the time to figure it all out, but not anytime soon since I've got more writing and stuff to do on my Tudor project. If you want to do Victorian trimmings, get her books or find a workshop from her. She lives in Sunnyvale and she is really very personable and easy to learn from.

We also had a good game last night. I know, I normally don't talk about my AD&D game, which we do every other Saturday, but last night's energy was very good, especially in comparison to two weeks ago when we had a newcomer that just made us all rather edgy, or upset. But last night was back to good energy, great laughing, lots of good food as usual, and just good times all around. I just wished Cindy was over earlier in the evening, but she has a play (The Women) that she is involved in. I must see the play in May. I just need another woman to combat the mostly male room, but I think I hold my own ok. 'Sides, had lots of estrogen this weekend stitiching with the FFG ladies at the workshop. I need more female friends nearby in my area.

And whatever happens over the years, Maurelle is definitely going to be surrounded by lots of women stitchers, hoping for some of her grins. They just adored her yesterday when I took her with me, even as I was worried she was being too fussy or annoying. But today it was nice to have my own time away from her doing what I enjoy. I needed this little mini-vacation, even if it was just a day.

But I don't think it did well for c0demonkey. I think he was a bit overwhelmed by both kids. Sorry hun, but thank you.

gaming, ffg, maurelle

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