Virtual dolls

Feb 16, 2006 16:23

I just found the coolest site to play on. It's called My Virtual Model, and it's designed for people to make a dress model, and put on various modern fashions to try them out before buying online. It's kinda like paper dolls, only with a computer, not paper.

What I am finding is that I can make up my own dress dummy, in underwear, to print out and use for making costume fashions. While I can't do them up in a corset, it will give me a better idea of my larger size in a croquis to fashion garments on. And I can do front, side, side front, and back views.

I also can get a virtual "mini-me" to see what I would look like at certain weights. Even if I were to slim down to... say 180 lbs, I would look a whole lot better than I do now. This actually has me wanting to print out these figures and stick them up, like on the fridge, so I can actually visualize what I would look like smaller, and hopefully stop myself from eating more than I should. And move, I need to move.

Later, I think I will play around with male images for croquis. That would be nice to have as well, since I have some ideas I need to do up for men.

weight loss, virtual model, croquis

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