Sean and the county honor band concert

Jan 28, 2006 23:45

Tonight was a good night. c0demonkey, the kids and I drove all the way down to Porterville to see my eldest son in the Tular/Kings County Honor Band concert. This was his second year with the county honor band. It was an excellent showcase of the talent that is in the junior and high school bands, and the music selected was a good stretch of their skills. I am very proud of Sean's accomplishment, as he and only one other student represented DHS in the county honor band. They had to learn several pieces of music in only a couple of weekends of practice, and perform it for their parents and other interested parties, and they performed it well. This is the level of performance I had hoped to see at his high school Christmas concert and was disappointed that their choice of music then didn't do much to stretch their skills. But tonight, he and the rest did very well, very well indeed. In fact, the junior high school honor band did very well as well, and could give the DHS band a run for their money.

After what they showed there, and a few comments made by the educators conducting the band, I can see that it is something to aspire to, teaching and leading other students in music. It reminded me that one of the influential persons in my life was my high school choir director, Mr. Daniel Arrigoni. If it wasn't for him, I would not have tried harder, and do better in school and in life. This is a gift that a talented teacher and role model can give to their students. And if that is what my son wants to do for his future career, then I am 100% behind him in his pursuit of his future. I only can hope he can inspire his kids someday to a greater level, as he was inspired by his band directors and teachers in Jr and High school. To them I owe a debt of thanks, because they kindled in him a love of music that pushed him beyond his boredom with the rest of school.

I only hope that Sean can get the scholarships that will help pay for his schooling. But if he has the desire to achieve his goals, he will find a way to pay for his schooling.

sean, honor band, music

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