My busy day

Nov 22, 2005 22:33

I did something quite nice today, I made sure not to touch my computer, and actually did a variety of housework "chores" that has needed to be done for some time. Not all of them, which will take many days (weeks, months), but a start on the housework. I cleaned up Cam's room, picked up his books, toys, and various empty diaper boxes, changed his bedsheets, did his laundry (which still has to be hung up), vacuumed his floor, and made it presentable again. Cam did help me with some of those things as well, which was nice. So tonight he and his daddy are playing with some Legos, and daddy's Mindstorm set, and they are playing in Cam's bedroom while Maurelle decides she doesn't want to sleep for some reason. I do hope they clean up the pieces.

I also did some dishes, gave Maurelle a bath, cleaned the stovetop, and a few other sundry things. It was nice doing some housework, which is a strange mental place to be. But I decided that things have to get done, and I am the only one to do those chores. Don't worry, Rob has his chores.

I also spent some time while the two bairns were napping this afternoon cleaning up my sewing room. I am about 1/4 to 1/3 done, which is good considering the mess in here. I plan on finishing the cleanup over the course of the week. I really do need to figure out where to put some of my things, as I am running out of places to put some things. Maybe I just need to purge old stuff out of here, so I've started another box just for donations.

I did have to quit even before the kids woke up. I pushed myself a bit too hard again (I was trying to do things lightly), and started bleeding harder, which is a clear indicator of how hard I can push things. Even last Friday when I mopped the kitchen for the first time in months was too much for me. It's hard to remember that I am supposed to still be in recovery for at least 6 weeks, if not 10 weeks or more. Which is why I am thinking that I should not do the annual Christmas Tree lane walk, as I don't think I can do the few miles of walking in just a few short weeks. But I do want Cam to see the lights, so I may stay at home while the guys go have fun with the lights.

Now I am tired, and Maurelle is finally asleep ... after a few hours of major fussies (how many dirty diapers can she fill in one day!?) I am going to head off to bed. I may or may not get back online until Friday. See, I know that this computer steals what free time I do have, so I have given myself two days a week where I can be online doing whatever I want during my "free time", and the other days I have to do other things for myself. I decided to get online today only after I exhausted myself working. Unfortunately, cleaning my sewing room has to be done during my "free time" as Cam always tries to help when I am doing anything away from him.

{yaaaaaawn...} Well, 'till later.

maurelle, cleaning, housework, sewing room, baby, c0demonkey

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