Well, Bones never materialized on TiVo for us. Seems it wanted to record Life According to Jim instead, although it did switch later to our Fox station somehow, but an hour later. So, we will have to catch next week's episode for judgment of the show instead.
Went to my new doctor today. My former doctor is still on maternity leave, and probably won't be back in time for my surgery (she had a baby boy). The one she asked to replace her is on medical leave for thyroid cancer treatments (I wish her well). So, I got the #1 popular doctor of that organization for my surgeon, and will be meeting the assisting doctor in a couple of weeks. Then it will be weekly meetings till the surgery on the 17th. She's a nice doctor, and wants to get to know me better before I go under her knife. I did break down and cry when we spoke of my Mom's death (I also cried a lot last night, something that does keep me up at nights, still.) She offered medical assistance of either counseling or meds or both, if I do need it, as post-partum blues may get worse this time around, considering I am already dealing with a mild depression.
Otherwise, I do not have diabetes (yeah!), and I lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Then again, I had gained more than "normal" during my last check-up. But this time the doc isn't worried about the weight loss, considering my weight in general. And the baby has turned already and is head down. She may decide to come early, who knows. She is kicking a lot, but no worries unless I start in on labor, or the water breaks, or I start bleeding, or any of the usual signs of impending baby arrival.
In other news, the patio has almost finished a critical stage by
c0demonkey!!! Yeah him! The pavers are all laid down, and he's working out the final details of fitting the end boards to keep them all in place. Next up (literally) will be the pergola, which he has the uprights in place, and the two support beams into position. He still has a bit more to do, but it is coming along nicely. I need to take pics and post them sometime soon.
I hope to add in climbing vines or roses in the spring to the far end of the pergola, along with a ceiling fan and other lights, which means getting a qualified electrician to install outdoor-rated wiring. Next year will be very nice to go outside and enjoy a meal on the new patio. I can't wait!
After a lunch of udon noodles with teriyaki chicken, Cam enjoyed his hour or so at the mall, where he gets to play in a toddler only play zone with other kids near his age. He really wore himself out, and still he didn't want to leave. He's asleep now, and part of me wants to lay down and nap as well. I think I will after posting this.
And in order to get my butt into gear on sewing again, I will be finishing my Samurai Shirt before Saturday. I am hoping the impetus of this Saturday's FFG meeting where I can show it off will help. So little to do, yet it seems like it isn't worth the effort for some reason (mild depression I am sure is a factor).
Well, off to nap a bit before the child rises again.