No woolly mammoths were harmed

Mar 23, 2010 11:11

in the making of this 1st grade science project. The science fair is tonight, and there was a break in the rain, so Jessica and I took her project in first thing this morning. They were organized. The principal met us at the door with a list of participants and checked Jessica's name off, then directed us to a waiting area. All science fair participants waited there, then as the kids streamed in and off to their classrooms, teachers began appearing to help children carry their projects to their assigned tables. Mrs. Hawthorne, the librarian, was helping Jessica. Jessica was delighted, as Mrs. H is her absolute favorite since she is the keeper of the books.

Jessica found the rocks, broken brick and pine cone in our yard. The "trees" are bits of evergreen snipped from a tree in our yard. The "grass" is from a science kit we got at Michaels.  The patch of ice is just a section she colored with a blue crayon. Plastic woolly mammoths and cotton ball snow complete the scene.

school science fair

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