Feb 06, 2011 04:27

Since becoming completely engulfed by the grasp of Vana'Diel in FFXI around 2003, I've played nothing that even comes close to providing the same amount of enjoyment from a game. Sure, the game had a ton of problems, but towards the beginning most were minor nuances that just made obtaining the top tier gear even that much more valuable... (JP ( Read more... )

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piratewiccy February 7 2011, 06:02:10 UTC
I completely understand. I did the same thing. Went to lolWoW for about a month or two, then to Perfect World, then to something called Sword of the New World? Think that is the name of the last one. Graphics are beautiful but too damn easy to play. Point and click and watch your characters do everything for you. Went back to WoW for about a month this past year to chat with momz who has now gotten really into that game. Moved back home for a bit and am now playing my aunts old character in FFXI on the Odin server. Got whm (hate it), smn (omg love it) and rng to 90. Working on AF3 atm for at least smn and rng. A lot to do in the game now. I got a few job emotes and have actually found myself liking the game again. Got windower and change my mithra to a taru once in a while so I can see my lovable wiccy again lol.

What she really looks like. White Mage

Summoner with AF3 Horn

Ranger in Loki

smn, blm, and nin emotes together lol


piratewiccy February 7 2011, 06:04:49 UTC
oh and you can now trio a lot of the HNMs if you know what you are doing. Trio'd Khimy for months x_x all because a friend wants that stupid sword lol.


sstellar February 7 2011, 12:51:55 UTC
Have you tried Smn/Sch? I learned a lot about the job and found out how fun it is to play. I'm not sure about how the new level cap works, but it was really effective @ the 75 cap. I could sleep and enfeeble quite consistently with a few gear swaps =]

I kinda wanna screw around on XI. I'm gonna reinstall it and try and find a decent acct to use...


piratewiccy February 7 2011, 20:43:39 UTC
gotta unlock sch myself, but from what I seen, a lot of ppl use it as a sub, especially whms. I just hate playing whm so guess that is why I haven't unlocked sch lol. If you come to Odin server, let me know! Lyfe is my game name and I'm usually on at night and some during the day. Abyssea is mostly what ppl are doing because of AF3 + gear. But yeah, let me know!


piratewiccy February 7 2011, 20:44:36 UTC
last post was me .-.


sstellar February 9 2011, 07:39:47 UTC
Yeah. A few of the jobs have obvious benefits from Sch and it's become an expected subjob choice, but the crazy thing about it is its ability to bump any classes magic skills up so high. Any job can drain/aspir VT-IT targets for really respectable numbers. Even Nin/Sch was a pretty good solo option. I wrote a thread about /sch not too long ago. After playing Smn/Sch in Sea and using HQ staves and an enfeebling set, I could sleep mobs consistently using sleep, aspir for big numbers, then sleep with Diabolos as well if necessary. I could run around and sleep mobs till zone as a Smn, which was pretty impressive. I had fun with it =]


piratewiccy February 10 2011, 02:46:15 UTC
dnc has become a great sub also for a lot of jobs. Especially sam/dnc and nin/dnc. Nin has gotten so strong along with thf. thf and nin both can tank on their own and not even break a sweat now. Only thing I am trying to get use to in the game is when ppl want to proc shit. "NO wait! don't ws yet! Not till it's blue!" wtf.....I understand, you stagger the mob you get a better drop rate on seals and gear, but sometimes this shit takes forever and something that could have been dead about 30mins ago is still alive wipin a whole alliance lol.


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